Airgregate & AireX
About Abeo
Abeo | Beredskabsvej 12 | DK-2640 Hedehusene | +45 71 99 09 76 | | CVR 37760358
The ‘Tyvdalen’ project is designed by Bjørk & Maigård Architects and constructed by Myhlenberg. The project consists of 3 and 4 bedrooms apartments, all with southwest facing balconies.
For the project, double-long SL-18 was chosen, making it possible to reduce the number of crane lifts by 50% and thus achieve a fast and cost-efficient installation. By using 180mm SL-decks that still fulfill requirements for sound insulation, it was furthermore possible to reduce the floor height.
If everything goes as planned, the project will be finalized on the 1st of October 2020, but it is expected that the first tenants will be able to move in from the summer 2020.