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About Abeo
Abeo | Beredskabsvej 12 | DK-2640 Hedehusene | +45 71 99 09 76 | | CVR 37760358
The Jutlandic School home is a new building with app. 100 beds distributed across 4 stories including basement and outdoor facilities.
For the project, 180mm SL-decks with large openings have been applied. A part of the building has been constructed with double-long SL-decks in order to reduce the number of crane lifts and installation costs.
In the project, eccentric load from the long decks spanning from both facades to composite beams surrounding the corridor above basement level led to a risk of critical torsional buckling in the beams. Based on an SL-deck solution with cast-in rebar couplers in the short corridor slabs between the beams, the necessary force equilibrium was easily established.