Airgregate & AireX
About Abeo
Abeo | Beredskabsvej 12 | DK-2640 Hedehusene | +45 71 99 09 76 | | CVR 37760358
The Pearl-Chain Bridge Technology is a revolutionary new arch bridge system for highway bridges based on the technology Pearl-Chain Reinforcement, invented by Professor Kristian Hertz from the Technical University of Denmark and patented by Abeo.
The technology is based on the principle of a pearl-chain, where precast concrete units are pulled on a steel wire through preplaced cable ducts and prestressed to create a stable final arch.
With the technology it is possible to use simple linear prefabricated elements to shape an arch structure at the construction site and lift it into final position across the underpassing road. Thereafter the traffic can be continued while finalizing the bridge.
Prefabricated bridge solutions all benefits from the fact that the traffic is disturbed much less compared to traditional in-situ cast bridges, and thereby also have a positive effect on the environment due to reduced congestion. The Pearl-Chain Arch Bridges will reduce maintenance costs, lower life cycle costs, reduce material consumption – especially of concrete and steel – which all together contributes to a lower total price and less CO2 emissions.
Airgregate & AireX
About Abeo
Abeo | Beredskabsvej 12 | DK-2640 Hedehusene | +45 71 99 09 76 | | CVR 37760358