Airgregate & AireX
About Abeo
Abeo | Beredskabsvej 12 | DK-2640 Hedehusene | +45 71 99 09 76 | | CVR 37760358
Abeo licenses the SL-deck technology and production rights to relevant precasters around the world.
We seek producers who have a strong market position on their local market and preferably experience with production of prestressed products as well. Licensees get access to a complete license package containing everything needed in order to setup, produce, sell and market the SL-Deck. Additionally, licensees become partners of the international SL-deck producers association, which continuously exchange best practices and market developments as well as cooperate on new development projects.
We provide support and training related to every aspect of SL-deck production, including but not limited to:
Furthermore, licensees get access to ongoing and future developments and solutions by Abeo.
Precast concrete is widely accepted to be the fastest and cheapest way to build, however, cast-in place structures and composite slab systems continue to dominate building projects in many countries.
The SL-deck is an extremely versatile and cost-efficient slab system, providing the flexibility of cast-in place construction at the speed, quality and cost of 100% precast slab. This enables precast concrete producers to become competitive on a much wider range of projects, especially mid and high-rise buildings.
With SL-deck production in place, a precaster is able to differentiate from competitors by offering unique and cost-efficient solutions to customers. In many projects, licensees find that these unique solutions enable them to avoid the typical price competition that typically dominate markets, where several precast producers are producing and competing in selling the same standardized precast product systems to customers.
Abeo has developed an automated and cost-efficient manufacturing process for production of SL-decks, including a fully automatic LAC casting machine for casting the lightweight concrete section of the SL-deck.
For producers that already have production of prestressed slabs, we have developed the MultiSlab production system, which makes it possible to start production of SL-decks utilizing existing casting beds and equipment. The MultiSlab system is very attractive, as it has been specifically developed to allow for production of both SL-decks and other slab systems, i.e. a producer will be able to maintain his existing slab production capacity and produce more products utilizing the same production line.
In short, the MultiSlab system makes it possible to widen the product portfolio at a low investment cost.
For inquiries about licensing possibilities, please contact:
Peter Hertz
T: +45 61 68 65 48
Airgregate & AireX
About Abeo
Abeo | Beredskabsvej 12 | DK-2640 Hedehusene | +45 71 99 09 76 | | CVR 37760358