Airgregate & AireX
About Abeo
Abeo | Beredskabsvej 12 | DK-2640 Hedehusene | +45 71 99 09 76 | | CVR 37760358
The SL-Deck is an innovative precast concrete slab invented and developed by Abeo based on a new technology originating from the Technical University of Denmark. The slab combines self-compacting concrete with light-aggregate concrete, which gives a light and very flexible slab capable of handling long spans in addition to being cheap to produce, transport and install.
The SL-Deck has been developed based on feedback from +50 building construction and engineering companies. Following a 3-year R&D and testing phase, the SL-Deck was first brought to the Danish market by Abeo in 2014.
During 2014 and 2015, the SL-Deck was sold to the first series of building projects and has since been used in a wide range of building projects within both the residential, commercial and public sector.
Concrete slabs can generally be divided into 3 groups:
Up until today, a contractor’s choice between these slab systems has typically been a choice between either high flexibility (in-situ and filigree) or fast and cost-efficient installation (precast).
The SL-Deck offers contractors the flexibility of in-situ cast structures at the speed, quality, and cost of a 100% precast concrete slab.
The SL-deck thus closes the market gap, which has developed over the years due to the introduction of stricter building codes, more challenging architecture and complex building designs.
Airgregate & AireX
About Abeo
Abeo | Beredskabsvej 12 | DK-2640 Hedehusene | +45 71 99 09 76 | | CVR 37760358